Landscape opera

mit Peter Ablinger: Landscape Opera Ulrichsberg, European Capital of Culture Linz 09

In 2009 the “Landscape Opera” by Peter Ablinger took place in Ulrichsberg and its surroundings. Composed of seven parts the opera´s main theme was Ulrichsberg, its people and its landscape. Florian Gruber and Nikolaus Hartmann had the honor of playing along other local music formations with the Brucknerhaus orchestra at the operas final act.

Act 7: The Celebration
For symphony orchestra and local musicians
Overall direction: Isabel Pérez-Requeijo. Duration: 61 Minuten.
“The celebration” is the solemn conclusion of Peter Ablinger´s Landscape Opera. Directed by Isabel Pérez-Requeijo exclusive takes from the sound archive of Act 3 are transcribed to an orchestral composition and selected local musicians.


More recordings from the concert can be found in the archive of Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg.

Ö1 Radio – Landschaftsoper Ulrichsberg (02.06.2009)

Das klingende Ulrichsberg. Nach der Aufführung der 18 Ulrichsberger Tänze übernahmen dann die Bühne eine bunte Mischung an Musikerinnen und Musiker, des Brucknerorchesters und der Marktmusikkapelle Ulrichsberg, weiters auf der Bühne im Einsatz waren die Musikschüler Jakob Frattner, Dominik Löffler, Stefan Barth und Michael Rothbauer, die Stubenmusik Peilstein, das Trio Broccoli, das Elektronik-Duo atelier_abstrait und die Saxophonistin Tanja Feichtmair.